Hello…so I’m a little late!

Hello…so I’m a little late!

Hello? Anybody out there? Well…it’s almost the end of march in 2016 and I know I’ve been MIA for a while. I neglected to wish you a happy new year or even merry Christmas! What can I say? I have no excuse. I can only say that I let life get ahead of me for a while…
New house, new job, etc, etc.
Well, I hope to get back to a regular writing schedule soon. Not because life has all of a sudden gotten easier but because at some point I just gotta get over it already. So if there is anyone out there still reading this blog…Hi! How ya doin? I hope to be revamping the look of the blog very soon. Plus we need to catch up on my two lovely daughters and all of their antics. Why exactly did I think life would get any easier as they got older??? Maybe it was that glass of wine…or two…Ummm. ..never mind. Anyway…
Hope your holidays were great. Hope the new year has been kind to you and that you kicked your resolutions to the curb and not the other way around.

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