

School…one for Baby girl and another for the Diva
Dance classes
After school french classes
Swimming lessons
Field trips
Lost mittens
Lost sweaters
Uneaten lunches
Bathtime rush
Bedtime rush
Morning tantrums
Evening tantrums
Cough and cold
Sleepless nights
And more tantrums

It’s a good thing motherhood is so boring…

The Party’s Over!

The Party’s Over!

Well, the first week of school went quite well…

How could I forget that it wasn’t the first week that’s the problem!

So, the Diva is in grade 2 and in the same school as last year with her friends so not much drama there.

That means the drama had to be with Baby girl of course; and that’s understandable given that she’s starting JK and it’s a whole new world for her.

Her school staggered the starting date for the Kindergarten kids so her first day was on the Thursday. She was fine and quite excited to get ready for school…new dress, new shoes and a new Tinker bell backpack. Couldn’t get any better than that. She was accompanied by a full entourage, as I took the day off, Daddy took the morning off and big sister was being dropped off at school instead of taking the school bus. Now Baby girl is the suffer in silence type of kid and so she endured all of her sister’s advice with a brave face and put on a smile when I asked if she was okay. I managed to maneuver her away from most of the kids that were bawling their eyes out and the one mom who needed a hug. But once we walked her to her class the tears started.

Fast forward to the end of the day, she was happy to see me and she had a great day! Yay! Friday was a great drop off and a great day AGAIN! Two for two!

Well, not sure what happened between Friday and Monday, but that morning she got up and decided that she wasn’t going to school and that I should call her to teacher to let her know that she wouldn’t be coming. She politely closed her bedroom door and lay down on her bed in her school clothes.


This has been the ritual for the past 2 weeks and every day when I pick her up she tells me what a great day she had.

“So I guess there will be no reason for tears tomorrow, right?”

“No Mommy!” she says as she rolls her eyes. Like…why would she cry???

Then the next morning we start again with her not wanting to go to school and crying at the door. We’ve even progressed to hanging on to my jacket and “No Mommy, no!” as the teacher tries to guide her to her classroom. I guess I should take comfort in the fact that she’s not the only one. On Friday, we passed a father who couldn’t get his child out of the car (they live on our street)…and she’s in Grade 2!

Well, I do remember going through this with Diva girl and so I know that this will pass but if you read about a 4 year old trying to make a getaway in her mother’s car…

I’m just sayin.



Back to school tomorrow!


What? Too much?

No more trying to figure out how to keep the kids entertained and out of trouble 8 hours a day every day including weekends!

“Mommy I’m bored!” will be reduced to more manageable evenings and perhaps Saturdays and Sundays. But can always be combatted with homework, bath time and early bedtimes.


I can see it now…evenings of peaceful bliss, no squabbling, no yelling or crying. Just the soft snores of very tired children.


Did I mention that Baby girl is starting school too?

Two kids in school = no daycare!

No more daycare = MORE MONEY

Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

Kidding! Stay tuned!



Today I took Baby girl to daycare as usual. Every day we put her hat and back pack in her cubby along with one of her many pairs of super cute sunglasses; then she decides if she wants to change her shoes and of course that is her prerogative. I mean she’s only been wearing the one pair for the 5 minute drive to daycare, how could she possibly wear them any longer than that? Once these very important decisions have been made, she gets ‘uppies’ so we can have extra hugs and kisses before she goes to class. When she’s feeling very grown up, she holds my hand instead (no ‘uppies’ required) but I still get lots of hugs and kisses before she joins her group.


Today was much the same and she decided she wanted ‘uppies’, however, when I started giving her all of her kisses as I walked her into the class, she informed me with the sweetest smile ever that kisses were now for outside…

Yes, you heard me

“No kisses Mommy”

“Did you just say NO kisses?”

Outside only”

It’s happening…!

My baby is growing up…so what if she had her arms wrapped tightly around my neck as I (being her personal taxi) carried her into the room. It’s the kisses that are the first to go…sniff! She’s my little snuggly one, who cuddles when Diva girl is too cool for cuddles.

Where did the time go???


Mind you, I still have a bit of time I think. She still wants me to wipe her bum after a big poo.

Sigh again…how lucky am I?



I’m so late with this post, but Baby Girl had her 4th birthday on Sunday.



When I look at her I can still see so much of the baby in her. She still wants ‘uppies’ in the morning and she still calls her cup of warm milk ‘ba-ba’ at night.

But I can also see the growth and maturity in the way she expresses herself. Like when she says “Did you not hear me say that in the first place?” or “No, I’m really serious…”

So what if ‘really’ still sounds like ‘weely’?

This September she’ll start JK and we went to the orientation at her new school a few weeks ago. I was curious to see how she would react because she is so opposite from her big sister and very shy…

Did I mention that she cried at her own birthday party when everyone sang Happy Birthday?


Well, she did quite well at the orientation especially since there were granola bars for the kids during the parents’ presentation and then playtime in the room that will be her class.

I can already feel the tears welling up. This is my baby, my youngest, the last one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad to be out of the diaper and bottle stage…but I do feel a bit melancholy.

She’s just so tiny!!!

But then again, I do remember feeling this way about my Diva Girl and look at her now! Tall, confident and full of attitude. School has really contributed a lot to who she is becoming.


Maybe I should consider home-schooling.


Baby Girl Needs a Nap!

Baby Girl Needs a Nap!

One day last week…

We’d just gotten home after I picked her and her sister up from school and daycare. Baby Girl was a bit grumpy because apparently she didn’t have a very good nap at ‘nap time’.

Well, we all went upstairs to wash our hands and change out of the clothes we’d been in all day and Baby Girl was just cranky!

After washing her hands, she started to give me the ‘talk’.

“Mommy, you forgot to roll up my sleeves and I asked you 2 times!”

Okay…but you know how to roll up your sleeves, child…

“…and then you put soap on my boo-boo and now it’s hurting!”

Did you tell me you have a boo-boo?

“Bend down Mommy, bend down…”

She proceeds to tug on the front of my shirt to indicate that I really, really needed to bend down.

So I did and so did Diva Girl…

“Do you see this boo-boo right here?” The child proceeded to show me a red dot on her thumb so small that I’m sure I would have missed it had I not had on my glasses.

Now I just want you to take a moment to picture my soon to be 4 year old speaking to me as if I may be a bit senile (no comments please) as she pointed out the offensive looking (but very miniscule) injury on her cute little thumb.

Sigh with me please….SIGH

Diva Girl decides to chime in at this point… “Oh I see it Mommy!”

Ummm… thanks, your 2 cents has really contributed to diffusing the situation.

Two minutes later, after promising to find a band-aid that would cover that boo-boo; she has turned on her big sister and was giving her attitude equipped with vigorous finger pointing, neck snapping energy. I think the Diva was a little nervous…

Needless to say, the rest of the evening was quite interesting until we all went to bed!

Sunday Morning Ninja?

Sunday Morning Ninja?

So here I am…another Sunday morning sneaking downstairs to my laptop. I’m feeling quite proud to be writing at 7:15am without disruptions. Can you feel the dedication?

Oh wait…its 8:15am?

Oh yes…spring forward and all that jazz!

Okay, well here I am at 8:15am on a Sunday morning feeling quite proud (and dedicated) to be on the laptop without one of the girls catching me in the act of sneaking though the house. I feel like a ninja!

I’m not even making tea or coffee because I’m afraid the sounds of movement will wake somebody up! Sigh…

Yes, this is my life!

So now I can begin!


The girls? Oh right…they’re good!

Diva girl has another loose tooth and I’m about to raid her piggy bank and put the money under her pillow. I need a loan.

Seriously…how many freakin’ teeth does she have anyway?!

Baby girl has reached a new level of cuteness with a large dose of attitude. She gets it from her sister.

Did somebody snicker???

Words like “definitely” and “awesome” and phrases like “no really, I’m totally serious” spill out of her mouth on a regular basis but yet the word “three” still sounds like “free”.

Go figure.

But that’s okay, because she’ll be four in June and she won’t care about three (free) anymore!

Diva girl will be 7 next month and she is a comedian, performer, athlete and little ‘Miss Know it All’ who corrects her sister every chance she gets!

Oh man…the fights are becoming legendary!

I think I need to buy a referee jersey and a whistle.

But first I need coffee. All this sneaking around really takes its toll!



Have you ever watched your children play when they don’t realize you’re watching?

They are so full of spirit and joy. They are unburdened with the pressures of everyday life and their hope knows no bounds. Their imaginations take them to places we can only wish to visit and fear is not an option.

Last night, as I got the girls ready for bed, I’d gone downstairs to warm some milk for Baby girl. I came back upstairs without her knowledge and there she was in her room dancing her little heart out, singing a quiet tune to herself. She was so into it, she didn’t even notice me. Out came her air guitar or the ‘rock-tar’ as she would call it, and she wailed away on that thing.

I just thought to myself, Wow…when was the last time I danced like no one was watching?

As we get older, we become so self-conscious. We forget how to let go of our inhibitions and just have fun for a few moments and even when we do succeed in letting go, we tend to feel foolish or embarrassed. Why?

I love dancing with my girls. Diva girl is the hip-hop, break-dancing dynamo and Baby girl is the tutu-wearing, forever–twirling, ballerina/princess. They have so much fun. They just laugh and enjoy the silliness of the moment and it’s almost always me that ends the merriment when I have to get back to doing the things we do as parents and adults, like cleaning, cooking, or whatever.  But those moments when I am able to truly let go with my kids and have fun and more importantly watch them having fun are some of the most heartbreakingly beautiful times in my world.

So, I’ve decided that I’m going to make A LOT more time to dance with my daughters. Just be silly, happy and crazy and…





Well, Baby girl is 3 ½ years old and she is as tricky as she is cute. I think of her as my little Minnie Mouse. Her voice goes up an octave at the end of each sentence or question. She scrunches up her nose when I say something that she doesn’t understand…like why she can’t have a lollipop at 7am.

She’s almost as quick as her sister with the comebacks. For example…

A few weeks ago we went out for lunch with Nana after gymnastics. As we enjoyed our food Baby girl was in a very talkative mood and spent more time talking than eating. At one point I said to her, “Okay, enough talking Missy Chatty, Chatty.” She immediately responded “Okay, Miss Coffee, Coffee!”

Ahem….I quietly sipped my coffee after that. My mother didn’t make a very good effort at hiding her smirk.

Very nice Nana….!

But she’s the sweetest thing most of the time. I get endless hugs and kisses whenever I ask. She offers to help in the kitchen and in the laundry room. She eats all of her fruits and veggies without arguing unlike her big sis. That reminds me of one day last week when she requested strawberries as her snack. Well, I was in the kitchen washing dishes and actually forgot to give them to her. That sweet little thing came into the kitchen and said….

Old woman…where are my strawberries?”

She had the smile of an angel…sigh.

Yes…I’m sure she’s only 3 ½. I was there when she was born.

Gotta love my Baby girl!